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Name: lubaole


Education and Working Experience:

July. 2014 – present, Lecturer, Institute of Photonics & Photon-Technology

Research Fields:

All solid state laser device and technology

Single frequency fiber laser

Tunable fiber laser

MOPA fiber laser


1. Baole Lu, Haowei Chen, Man Jiang, Xiaoming ChenZhaoyu Ren and Jintao Bai, Graphene-based passive Q-switching for a 2µm thulium-doped fiber laser, Laser Phys., 23 (2013) 045111 (3pp). (SCI)

2. Baole Lu, Haowei Chen, Shuang Wang, Man Jiang, Zhaoyu Ren and Jintao Bai, Red and green dual-wavelength laser based on LD side-pumped ceramic Nd:YAG and BBO electro-optical Q-switch, Optics & Laser Technology, 50 (2013), 163-166.(SCI)

3. Baole Lu, Haowei Chen, Jiaxi Guo, Man Jiang, Renjian Zhang and Jintao Bai, Zhaoyu Ren, Muiti-Wavelength operation of LD side –pumped Nd:YAG laser, Optics Communications, 284 (2011) 1941-1944. (SCI)

4. Mojuan Yin, Baole Lu, Haowei Chen, Zhaoyu Ren and Jintao Bai, Slope efficiency over 30% single-frequency ytterbium-doped fiber laser based on Sagnac mirror filter, Applied Optics, 52 (2013) 6799-6803.(SCI)

5. Man Jiang, Zhaoyu Ren, Baole Lu, Teng Guo, Lijuan Wan,Yuping Zhang and Jintao Bai, Low-Repetition-Rate High-Energy Passively Q-Switched Nd:YAG Solid Laser Based on Graphene Saturable Absorber Operating at 1064nm 8 (2012) 60-63 Current Nanoscience. (SCI)

6. Y. Bai, X. M. Chen, B. L. Lu, Z. Y Ren and J. T. Bai, Short pulse width UV laser at 355 nm based on pulse LD side-pumped ceramic Nd:YAG and BBO electro-optical Q-switched, Laser Physics 22 (2012) 393–397.