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Name: Zheng Jiming


Education and Working Experience

2004– present,

Assistant Researcher

Institute of Photonics & Photon-Technology/Department of Physics, Northwest University

2005 –2008

Ph. D Candidate in Inorganic Materials Chemistry

Institute of Photonics & Photon-Technology/Department of Physics, Northwest University

Research Fields:

1. Electronic structure of nanomaterials.

2. Transport properties of nanoelectronics


Recent Publications

1.Zheng Jiming,Huang yaoqing,Ren zhaoyu, et al.Electronic Nonresonant Tunneling through Diaminoacenes: A First Principles Investigation. Chinese Physics Letter 28(2011)027302.

2.Jiming Zheng,Zhaoyu Ren,Ping Guo,Li Fang,Jun Fan,Diffusion of Li+ Ion on Graphene: A DFT Study. Applied Surface Science (2011) 258(2011)1651

3.Zheng Jiming,Ren zhaoyu,Guo Ping, et al. Effects of Contact Geometry on The Electron Transport of 1,4-diaminobenzene molecule. Chinese Physics Letter 25(2008)1423-1428.

6.Guo Ping,Zheng Jiming, Zhao Pei,et al. The relativistic density functional investigations on geometries, electronic and magnetic properties of Irn (n=1-13) clusters,Chinese Physics B,Vol.17,(2010)083601